Friday, November 13, 2020

11/13/2020 - this/that ideas

 Ideas for this/that studio space:

There was one student's work you showed me where the student used three walls of the space, one wall with a full wall piece, one with a small piece, and one that was sort of in the middle. I found it very aesthetically pleasing and I also think it would work well with some of the ideas I have been working on developing.

Here are some ideas with what I might do with each wall, essentially creating three pieces that are different but related.

Idea one, extant vs extinct species:

I really like the idea of creating a piece inspired by Peter Callesen, where something is created from the silhouette of another image. You suggested having extinct bird species be in the "shadow" with a more 3D extant, introduced bird being created from the pieces. I think this would be interesting to do using a giant-blown up print-out of a page of a relevant research paper, with interesting lines in it potentially highlighted (and not cut into).

I think I would use the first page of this paper:

I also like the idea of painting the extant birds bright colors and potentially also doing this, on the same paper, with some plant species, though I don't know how busy that might get.

I did try watercolor over the collaged bird I made earlier and I'm not sure how I feel about it cause the colors feel a bit too weak. Perhaps I just need to go over it a few more times, I am just scared that too much water and/or pressure might cave it in.

Idea two, seed dispersal:

I also really liked Hellen Musselwhite's work with collaging and layering and how it felt kind of story-book-esque. I also honestly rather enjoy just cutting paper with an exacto knife. This is not really close to what I would do cause I had to meet requirements for a class but it did have paper cutting in the cityscapes and mountains (which are hard to see, sorry), and was my favorite part by far.

I think it could be interesting to do something similar to "tell a story". I think I would like to do three or four relatively small panels that show the process of eating a fruit, taking the seed somewhere else, and allowing for the plant to thrive in its new location.

Part of me wants to be monochromatic in this and the other part wants to go all out in the colors so I think it would just play with it a bit.

Idea three, "you are what you eat":
I still really like this idea, even if I am not entirely sure what to do about it. In my head it has been black and white and 2D from the start so I am thinking perhaps a decent sized charcoal drawing. Is this something similar to what I might be doing in drawing 3? If so it might be beneficial for me to wait on this one until I have had a chance to encounter the class a bit.

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Here is the first panel Should I color in the bird as well do you think? I rather like it with just the fruit but I am not sure how clear it...