Ideas for this/that studio space:
There was one student's work you showed me where the student used three walls of the space, one wall with a full wall piece, one with a small piece, and one that was sort of in the middle. I found it very aesthetically pleasing and I also think it would work well with some of the ideas I have been working on developing.
Here are some ideas with what I might do with each wall, essentially creating three pieces that are different but related.
Idea one, extant vs extinct species:
I really like the idea of creating a piece inspired by Peter Callesen, where something is created from the silhouette of another image. You suggested having extinct bird species be in the "shadow" with a more 3D extant, introduced bird being created from the pieces. I think this would be interesting to do using a giant-blown up print-out of a page of a relevant research paper, with interesting lines in it potentially highlighted (and not cut into).
I think I would use the first page of this paper:
I also like the idea of painting the extant birds bright colors and potentially also doing this, on the same paper, with some plant species, though I don't know how busy that might get.
I did try watercolor over the collaged bird I made earlier and I'm not sure how I feel about it cause the colors feel a bit too weak. Perhaps I just need to go over it a few more times, I am just scared that too much water and/or pressure might cave it in.