Monday, May 3, 2021
Saturday, May 1, 2021
I tried pinning these with specimen pins but the ones I have are too flimsy. Right now these are just up with masking tape so I will need to go back in and resecure them a bit better. It I make a hole with a push pin first, I can get the specimen pints to stay but they don't hold much weight. I think what I am going to do is just tape everything down better and then add the pins more for the aesthetic.
I also want to add embroidery floss connecting the birds and the plants they eat to make it a little more connected and network-y. I was going to do this using the pins to kind of spread the threads out a bit better but I will figure out something else.
I am also not entire sold on the set up yet. Right now I have the birds in the same order as the other wall but I don't know if I like it. I might try mirroring it and playing with the set up of the plants a little more. I don't like that you can't read my notes on the ones that are up higher. Maybe I will try to order them more by where you actually see the fruit height-wise.
It shouldn't take long to sort everything out once I can physically be there for more than the ten minutes I was to stick these on the wall.
Here is the first panel Should I color in the bird as well do you think? I rather like it with just the fruit but I am not sure how clear it...

Hi there. So knowing which direction you are headed, I am attaching some sites you should check out and then we can chat and see where thes...
My two sketching pages with the basics of the plants and the birds. The four bird species - I am not committed to these poses but it was cer...
I tried pinning these with specimen pins but the ones I have are too flimsy. Right now these are just up with masking tape so I will need t...