Friday, October 16, 2020

Sites to check out

 Hi there.

So knowing which direction you are headed, I am attaching some sites you should check out and then we can chat and see where these might take you.  Since I have public art next week at our time, we can figure out another time to meet. Check these out and text me when you are done looking and blog about it.

Be well. AHC


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Playing with materials

I did a quick sketch and painting of a bird to test out the watercolor pencils, in the mixed media sketch book. And I also tried out how they work on vellum. I don't like the way the vellum wrinkled up after water but it did smooth out better than I thought it would as it dried.

I also traced the bird and put the plant sketch beneath to see how well it could be seen from beneath and I found that interesting, but I think, if I were to layer the vellum, I would probably want to use color and relatively bright ones so that they could be seen.

I did also think about what you suggested about doing stop motion and tried to think of ideas as to how I could do that using seed dispersal. I thought a short video might be cool showing the bird taking the seed and dispersing it then showing how that seed grows faster and better than the ones competing at the parent plant but, if I were to do that, that will be a lot of moving parts.

Then I tested a little bit of stop motion using vellum and the suggested app. It turned out very messy, but I suppose that was part of the point. I do think, though, that if I were to do stop motion, I would have to draw digitally. Things are easily going to get inconsistent if I try to draw by hand.

I am still not entirely sure what I want to do. I plan on messing around a bit more today so I might update this in the evening or tomorrow.

PT 2
Paper collage.

I had fun with this but it also didn't take me very long so if I spent some more time with it, it would probably be better.

Also it photographed a little weird cause of the lighting I think, cause the papers used to collage and the paper it is on are the same.


Here is the first panel Should I color in the bird as well do you think? I rather like it with just the fruit but I am not sure how clear it...